Marielle Lives On - Favelas Rebuilding Brazil: mudanças entre as edições

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Verbete produzido pela Equipe do Dicionário de Favelas Marielle Franco, a partir da repercussão via [ Rio On Watch].
Verbete produzido pela Equipe do Dicionário de Favelas Marielle Franco, a partir da repercussão via [ Rio On Watch].
  By Priscila Silva • Translation by Felix Foot • March 29, 2023
  By Priscila Silva • Translation by Felix Foot • March 29, 2023
[[Arquivo:Evento Marielle Vive! Foto Priscila Silva.png|centro|miniaturadaimagem|800x800px|Evento Marielle Vive!  Foto- Priscila Silva]]
[[Marielle Vive! Favelas na Reconstrução do País - Discussão sobre o Legado de Marielle Franco|Clique aqui]] para acessar em português.[[Arquivo:Evento Marielle Vive! Foto Priscila Silva.png|centro|miniaturadaimagem|800x800px|Evento Marielle Vive!  Foto- Priscila Silva]]
The event ‘Marielle Lives On!’ looks back on five years since the political femicide of the Maré councilwoman Marielle Franco. During the event, the exhibition ‘Outras Marés’ aimed to portray Complexo da Maré through a subtle lens, based on belonging and showing a side of the favelas that most people in Rio do not know. Photo: Priscila Silva
The event ‘Marielle Lives On!’ looks back on five years since the political femicide of the Maré councilwoman Marielle Franco. During the event, the exhibition ‘Outras Marés’ aimed to portray Complexo da Maré through a subtle lens, based on belonging and showing a side of the favelas that most people in Rio do not know. Photo: Priscila Silva

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